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New to McCool Baptist Church?

If you have only visited with us online, you might be wondering what's it really like at McCool Baptist Church? We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus. He felt love and compassion for those around Him. He met people where they were and brought them into a relationship with God. That is what we aim for as we strive to follow Jesus and be more, and more like Him!

You won't find any perfect people here - just imperfect people working together to serve our perfect Savior!

It doesn't matter where you come from or what you have been through, this is a place for you to come and spend time with the Lord and with loving brothers and sisters. If you do not yet know Him, then we will be glad to share with you what Jesus has done in our lives!

We'd love to get to know you better and hope that you will share some information to help us do just that.

NOTE: We value your privacy and would never spam you